Why bother writing about such an obvious pile of crap? I consider my down time to be very valuable and as such am affronted by such made-for-TV tat eating up precious hours of my life.
It opened promisingly: the independent, inexplicably moody girl looking out for ditsy blonde on their big trip to the subcontinent as blonde gets the girls into more trouble than they bargained for. Mysterious fellow befriending them but turning out to be quite sinister. Even when the chick turns up dead there are possibilities for a Bangkok Hilton-type nail-biter, but no such luck: the acting is *woeful*, the characters bounce around in a series of inexplicable and unrelated incidents, the plot has more holes than a colander and the ending...
If, like me, you find yourself in front of the TV one night wondering whether to bother staying up for the end, I'm here to save you the agony. It really, really, really isn't worth it. The ending could only be less satisfying if it involved a sing-along in cowboy costumes. What a waste of a gorgeous set and a perfect opportunity to produce something decent. Don't say I didn't warn you.