The movie is about a boy named Elliot; his life and quest for love.
The movie can a times be an emotional rollercoaster, switching from from comedy to tragedy. Some reviews I've read said that (adult) Elliot tries to hard to be funny, I think this is an interesting character detail because since Elliot was abused for almost his whole life, he tries to make people laugh, though sometimes be it to hard.
My favourite parts of the movies were when Elliot was young, due to the amazing acting of young Elliot and his mother.
The story is well written and acted out, the actors all appear to be really close and do an amazing job at portraying the story.
I truly believe this to be the best movie I've ever watched, the only movie to make me cry; I think the rating is so low because it's not relatable to the general, white, population-that's one of the things I especially love. The movie is very diverse and strays from the normative white protagonists, in having mainly POC actors, with only two non-POC actors having lines.
When I first found this movie by accident, I had no idea what to expect, because I didn't read any reviews or watch the trailer, but to my surprise it's unlike any movie I've seen before or most movies to come. What holds this movie from being more known or appreciated is homophobia and racism.
In conclusion, this is a well written story with an excellent movie portrayal, and though it may be hard to understand the story for some, people whom do not understand the culture and phenomena of the movie, it's a movie I would and have recommended to my friends.
In truth, this movie may more be worthy of a 9 but I love it so much.