I saw an advanced screening of this movie and it definitely isn't as good as the first one with The Rock (Dwayne Johnson). The first one was a really good movie. Johnny Knoxville made the movie funny and the villain was very cool and a good actor. Not to mention The Rock, just about anything he's in is a good movie. I didn't think the sequel was going to be good but I figured it would at least be a little interesting because it's the sequel to an awesome movie. But I was disappointed. It's very boring, hardly any action, the acting definitely isn't the best, and it's really country. It's just like a long episode of Chuck Norris except, I've seen episodes of Chuck Norris that are more interesting than this movie. I wouldn't pay more than five dollars for this movie. maybe ten but i would recommend renting it before you buy it. I watched this movie out of curiosity, because i liked the first one. If you liked the first one too, then you'll be disappointed with this one and it has nothing to do with the first one so I wouldn't buy this movie if I were you unless you find it on the clearance or sales rack.