TV doesn't get just a whole lot better than this. Some may object to a show built on "contrivances"--in this case seeming everyday objects that do magical (or superhero-like) things--but the strong writing and acting (especially by the lead, Peter Krause) made me buy every minute of it. It broadcast for six hours, with commercials, but it seemed much too short. I wanted much more. I'm not sure how a series would work, if anyone is talking about or actually creating that, but I would sure give it a look.
While watching this great mini-series, a number of other shows came to mind, mostly X-FILES and THE TWILIGHT ZONE, but THE LOST ROOM is by no means a rip-off/retread. Like those two shows, this one covers a lot of territory. It is funny in parts, but it's also a crime drama and, of course, a sci-fi story. And the plot is, as my "summary" states, original and compelling. The conspiratorial part of the show is, to me, much less interesting than what the everyday objects do, and how the various characters make use of them and respond to one another. Let's hope that, if there is a series (forgive my ignorance!), the producers can keep Peter Krause and the other fine writers (and director, who does a solid job as well) responsible for making this such a great viewing experience.