One long cheery, energetic rally to support student voting in 2004, which could be used as well as a mental support boost to go vote in 2020. Why? Because the margin of winning is so small in America, time and again. Only a 100 thousand votes made the difference back in 2004 when Bush was re elected. So voting in large numbers does matter. But we need the youngsters to make a difference.
Tens of thousands of young students did came out to see Michael Moore in big arenas in 60 different cities. And he would tell them to go vote democrat in 2004. These young Americans did vote in the largest numbers ever. Thank you! Their parents voted the opposite though and won. Bummer! But the young people have the future in their hands. That's why this support rally for the democrats was released again right before the 2008 election which elected democrat Obama into the White House.
In the sixties the young Americans were the biggest group in society. Many progressive changes were made back then. Now the young people are no longer a majority, but that setback in numbers makes their vote even more important, because without the young voters vote change will never happen. Young Americans, your vote counts. Please go vote in 2020.
Oh yes, this support rally by Michael Moore is funny, energetic and empowering. Ideally suited for any young American in need of a mental boost to support the young voters of America to go out and vote.
GO VOTE IN 2020!