Wow is this stupid.
First off, you have 4 teens (that look like 30-year-olds) cruising in their Jeep Cherokee at about 60 miles per hour while listening to awful pop music. They brake into some park and accidentally run over a baby bear. But...uh oh, MOMMY'S ANGRY!!
Thats right! Mommy bear is angry! Good thing she drinks toxic waste from a pond that makes her grow 2 her size (I'm dead serious about that.)! This film is simply about 90 minutes of bad dialog, and, occasionally, a giant bear. But there are so many huge plot holes. 1, a jeep that has been flipped over TWICE, hit a tree, and over heats, STILL RUNS. 2, an already large grizzly drinks toxic waste from a pond that Doesn't kill it. 3, Even though the bear in the film is a female, it sometimes has male genitalia. WTF?
This film also is in my top 10 for 'Worst Endings Ever'. Why? Because: When the last 2 survivors are trying to run away, one trips and falls. The other person goes back to help, but he says "No! Leave me here!" but the other one says "No! We can still make it!" They argue this for about 45 seconds before the bear gets them. And when the bear gets them, fake animated blood splatters on the screen, like something you'd see in a Windows Moviemaker project.
There were 2 things I liked. 1: The bear used was never CGI, it was actually a trained bear that was 100% real, living and breathing. 2: This is one of the few movies where the monster actually wins and kills everyone. Even though the execution sucked, it was still a nice twist.
Overall, its STUPID. Its really, REALLY bad, but if you wanna see it, I wont stop you.