This presentation is featured on the DVD that comes with Command & Conquer: The First Decade, featuring the twelve games released up to that point in the franchise. There isn't an awful lot on the DVD, nor does it last particularly long(in total, I would estimate that the entire contents of the DVD put together would take about one hour to watch), but I think that this was, by far, the least interesting thing on it. I guess maybe if they had gotten the fan videos(I suppose the reason that they did not was due to rights issues, but some smidgen of information about where you could watch them or something would have been fine, too), instead of just having clips shown whilst the voice of "a Russian general", in a goofy, overdone accent, describes them in just about nothing but words and terms that relate to the C&C universes in some way or another. I guess part of it is also that I am not as big a fan of the franchise as these people clearly were, and to anyone coming in from outside, fan films *will* look silly or strange. It runs at about four minutes in total, and it is nothing but a Top 6 presentation of fan films based on the C&C franchise and universes, and for that, I guess it's fine. If you're a big enough fan of the franchise to want the The First Decade set, which I, myself, am(and this is not a decision I have come to regret by any stretch of the imagination), then this'll be right there, on the DVD... and you can decide for yourself if you want to watch it. I recommend this to anyone who knew of the fan films beforehand, and obviously those who made one of the six winners presented herein. 5/10