I thoroughly enjoyed seasons 1 to 5 with some of the most intellectually-stimulating and subtle humour since Seinfeld. Like physicist Sheldon "embracing the chaos" or using classical conditioning techniques on his roommate's girlfriend. But you did need a modicum of (popular) science knowledge to get the jokes, so apparently by season 6 they rolled out the usual array of mindless comedy writers to turn it into a yawn-worthy series of relationship clichés and rake in more viewers. When binge-watching it, you also notice disturbing patterns like the demeaning portrayals of both the men and women scientists, for different reasons. Grew up around researchers and no, they were not men-children who spent their time at the comic book store. Actually at my Dad's university they were pretty much all stable family types with successful careers, and there were a few loners, too. Like pretty much any group of humans. Lest people think this review is unfair, I have seen all seasons, hoping for a return to the cleverness of seasons 1-5 but alas it shall not be. This is one series that unfortunately will not go out with a Big Bang, but with a fizzle.