The concept of the anime Dear Boys sounds like those typical sports anime of 2000s decade. The main character, Kazuhiko Aikawa, is a transfer student, whose passion and enthusiasm helps to rebuild a high school basketball team which was struggling initially and was on the verge of getting suspended. The other major characters too were typical. There is someone who is always calm and quiet, then there is one short-tempered guy and the one who is a loner. However, Takumi Fujiwara's conflict with the coach looked like a fresh concept and then how the boys managed to convince the coach of the girls' team to coach them as well. Yes, there are some intensed matches but the slow motion tends to make it look annoying at times.
I think the characters are drawn really well but the animation is not that appealing. I liked both the opening and the ending song. Soon after singing for Captain Tsubasa, Da Pump sang an opening song for this as well. And boy, they delivered yet again. Sound of Bounce is really a catchy song. It seems the lyrics were written from the perspective of their female coach (Hey guys, 1 2 3, sound of bounce of free dunk. Yo girl! 1 2 3, sound of bounce of free love). The ending song Baller no Shougou too is catchy and sounds more western.
I believe this is a watchable sport anime.