"Schlaflos" shows that a good film can be made with little money. The movie takes the normal situation of a girl breaking up with her boyfriend and exaggerates it. We learn how Ben (played by Max Simonischek) tries to deal with this situation: he decides to start smoking, to drive into the night and to never sleep again. Fortunately, he meets the musician Peter (Stefan Murr) on the way, who tries to cheer him up. He has also lost someone dear and understands Ben's problem. The movie shows how both of them deal with their problems and help each other. "Schlaflos" is a movie about lost love and music and features some very interesting and well written characters. It plays with the expectations of the audience, sometimes answering them, sometimes not. Peter and Ben are quite interesting characters, especially because they are so different (at least at the first glimpse). Still, I have to agree with the other members that Ben is too much "Mr. Everybody", here there would still have been some room for improvement. But apart from that, I can only say that I really liked the movie. 8/10