Usually I do have a soft spot for tie-in games, but in cases like this, they don't age that well. Shrek: Smash n' Crash Racing is the kind of racing game that tries to be like Mario Kart. I see there are other tie-in games that go into that direction. But in this game's case, it's obvious that it wants to have the formula as Mario Kart, but make the gameplay way too struggling and that we don't learn from any characters they would introduce, along with weak graphics (mostly from new characters) and that it doesn't have enough features to actually make the game fun. Well, maybe a bit of fun moments with its introduction and how it became a racing game and the one reason that did make me stay in play would be to unlock characters. Even though it takes a while to make first place in every race, that is what it says to be quite a challenge. But even so, it won't make up for its lack of controlling where you just crash into object and fall, which costs each race. I see that there's people that are nostalgic for this. But other than that, I just don't think this game is necessary. Not because if wants to be like Mario Kart, but we've gotten just plenty of Shrek tie-in games out there. And if I want to play a Shrek game that's like a Nintendo game, I'll play Shrek SuperSlam. Maybe that game is like Super Smash Bros, but a lot more fun compared to this. Not only does it have better gameplay, not only does it have a lot of options you can do and play the game, but in the campaign mode, it introduces to new characters for the game. Smash n' Crash Racing though, I don't think it had all that to really be a fun game. Like I just said, I don't mind if we get tie-in racing games. But in this case, it's an unnecessary cash cow.