The fact that director Shuhei Morita only directed one 25 minute animation prior to this series, goes a long way to explaining why the Freedom Project is all over the place. The futuristic story has epic written all over it: the earth has become uninhabitable due to a massive disaster and a colony of humans living on the moon are humanity's only hope. With such a set up, the finished project is sadly less than half-baked.
Freedom has awesome set, vehicle and character design, but as it uses cell-shaded computer models rather than the traditional, hand-drawn method, it lacks the heart and the human touch that makes real animation worth watching. There's a lot of one frame shots
(which to be fair Japanese anime is notorious for) sometimes subtly, sometimes it's painfully obvious.
There are 3 main characters: Kazuma, is likable enough, Biz is just outright annoying and Takeru (the main character) rebels against Eden's authorities, risks his life, and travels all the way to earth (with no way of getting back) in order to
try and meet a cute girl! That's the motivation for the whole Freedom story! And if that didn't drag the series down enough, the voice acting in the English dub is terrible (the Japanese version is fine) with the Nissin tie-in easily the most awkward product placement I've ever seen. I'm sorry to say that the 10/10 reviews that Freedom has online are both undeserved, and a bit suspicious.