First there was Spike Lee's independent drama "She's Gotta Have It". Then came Robert Rodriguez's indie action flick "El Mariachi". Now we have Kareem Bland's ambitious indie slasher/drama "Bleeding Rose".
First let me say that this is a very very unique and interesting movie. It's a suspense/thriller/mystery with elements of horror mixed in. There are a lot of dramatic elements within the film and moments that will make you jump. The ending is a real shocker. Loved it. This movie feels like a very good entertaining IFC Channel movie.
Now this movie may not be for everyone. This is a very low budget movie. Or dare I say it...'no budget'. As I watched the DVD's 'behind-the-scenes' footage it looked like the director didn't have much of a crew. There was no gaffer trucks or grip crews. It looked like a director and some friends playing around with a camera! Yet, that's what makes this movie so impressive...because it's really GOOD! It reminds me of Roderiquez and how he made his first feature 'El Mariachi' with no crew. Is Bland the next Roderiquez? I wouldn't say that, but he did a damn good job. Very very impressive.
Of course there are 'technical' flaws. Most low budget movies have them. Yet unlike most, 'Bleeding Rose' tales an excellent 'slightly controversial' original story. Plus the technical flaws kinda give it an edgy style. This movie took me by surprise.
The music is great too. It's nothing like you would expect from a straight to video movie. The scores were engaging, giving the movie that extra chill.
Would I recommend this? Yes! If only to see what can be done with so little. This is a movie for indie filmmakers first, and lovers of the 'artsy, ambitiously creative little budget movies' second.
Maybe I'm giving this guy more credit than he deserves, but I really enjoyed it. Check it out for yourself.
'10 stars' for having the balls to make this entertainingly good film with little money and by any means necessary. Well done!