Diella (Tara Carroll), her skeptical brother Mitch (Samuel Child) and their friends Marcus (Sam Sarpong), Danny "D" (Rafael Rios) and Amanda (Samantha Alarcon) are ghost-hunters seeking evidences of existence of ghosts using sophisticated apparatuses. Diella is haunted by the death of her father six years ago and is encouraged by her college professor Dr. Frederickson (Mark Colson) to continue her research. When they visit the house of Amelia Gershom (Pepper Jay) that is haunted by her deceased husband, they get involved in an evil ancient cult of resurrection.
"Marked" is a pointless and silly horror tale. The plot is inconsistent and there is no explanation why the group invests lots of time and money searching ghosts, especially Mitch that does not believe in ghosts. Further, the story is confused and the ancient cult using the Apocrypha is sort of ridiculous. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): "A Marca da Morte" ("The Mark of the Death")