Chelsea Handler and her lately show, is lacking and well past crude. She is so very fake her self, and she is so lacking of talent is just sad. Her constant statement of "1/2 Jewish" this and that, is tired, who does she think (if she is capable of concept) she is fooling ????? Self centered-SHE IS, has intelligence- SHE HAS NOT, TRASH- SHE SO IS, 33yrs old - OH COME ON NOW, give people some credit. Perhaps she does drink too much (or does much more to her pea of a brain), she can not recall stating she was 31 back in 2002, while looking closer to 43. She should stop attacking others, and take a long look in the mirror , fake tan, fake hair color and not so fake that she is a total airhead! The show lacks entertainment, is that not what the 'E' is to stand for ???? Guess it is not who you only know, it is who----yet who is she sleeping with again? Ohhhh of course that would be the only reason her show is still on. As for Chuie, he should be hosting, he is the best part of that sad show! Bravo to Chuie!