Oscar nominee for International Film. Pawo Choyning Dorji's debut tells the universal story of a teacher sent to a tiny village to educate the local children. Sherab Dorji is Ugyen, a twenty-something who lives in Bhutan's capitol of Thimphu when he is dispatched to distant Lunana - population 56, and, with very limited electricity. It's considered so isolated that the school is referred to as the most remote in the world.
Dorji, who also wrote the screenplay, keeps things simple. There are no grand gestures or revelations, just Ugyen interacting with the locals. The theme of making a connection with the schoolkids may be plain to see (and, of course, it works vice-versa), but, it's done in a soulful way with no cloying or artificial drama injected into the mix. It's very lack of pretentiousness is its charm.
And, yes, there IS a Yak who lives in the makeshift classroom. All the more appropriate since the unofficial Lunana song is a paean to yaks.