It is not always easy to stick to the truth - or rather decide what truth is objectively the truth that really exists. Even more so nowadays when so many people lie (against better knowledge often times) ... it is quite crazy how long R. Kelly got away with his behaviour. Even if you believe most girls (and yes girls, because he was into young ones, minor ones, no pun intended) did not object when they were with R. Kelly ... you have to know the power play .. at play here.
What is nice in this documentary - that we get some statements from the opposite party. We get to hear what R. Kellys lawyer had to say. Not much that makes him look good of course. Claiming everyone else is lying, when it is so many that came forward ... a tough cookie to sell (no girl scout pun intended).
Right now we have a verdict and justice finally has been served. Which goes to show that those who thought just because Johnny Depp had a good day in court (and very likely for good reasons), that all men would get away scottfree now ... this paints a different picture. And many have things to say about it ...