Sure, I wasn't really expecting much from a movie with the title "Amityville Vibrator". But since it was labeled as a horror comedy, I figured I would give it a go on the off chance that it might actually be goofy enough to be watchable.
Don't even bother with this 2020 trash movie, and yeah, it is trash. It is nothing but an excuse for writer and director Nathan Rumler to show off explicit adult scenes of masturbation and lewd behavior.
I can't even begin to fathom why people would opt to put their names and faces to rubbish such as this 2020 movie titled "Amityville Vibrator". Needless to say that the acting performances were nothing to write home about. Nor were I familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list, which surprisingly enough all don't even have faces on their IMDb profiles.
This was an abominable movie, and it is laughable that it could be labeled as a horror comedy, as it was essentially pornography. I watched the cut that was edited for the European market, but I don't know how much if differs from the US version. Not that I actually care in any way.
Do yourself a favor and give "Amityville Vibrator" a wide berth.
My rating of writer and director Nathan Rumler's 2020 swing and miss of a movie lands on a one out of ten stars.