The story is set in a small town in the Midi, in France. Throughout the film, as the characters appear, they are revealed through dialogs they carry on with each other. So, as the film goes on, we have the feeling that things are rather stuck in this place.
Michel, nearly fifty, aspires to be a reporter-filmmaker that he didn't succeed to be so far. It is, actually, a clumsy, nonchalant guy, who doesn't do right what he intend to, and relieves his frustration smoking joints. He is divorced, has a teenage son with whom he spends a weekend once in a while, and is having a future less affair with Florence's sister, Agathe, who is married to Stéphane.
Florence, nearly forty, Agathe's sister, is married to Stephane. They have two children. But she feels miserable with her housewife life, along with a husband who has no energy to solve the shaky family financial situation. She seems to bet on her relationship with Michel to get free from her situation. This way of seeing the future makes her a kind of a bovarist.
Karim, has qualities that were frustrated by his humble origins and perhaps also because he lived all his life in a small town where the opportunities are scarce. He is the son of a maid (Mimouna) born in the Maghreb, and who works for Florence and lives in the house of this latter. Karim works as a receptionist in a small and modest hotel, down town. He is skilled in film mounting and tries to get free of his mediocre situation as a receptionist, working on projects of Michel, who rarely reach an end, because of Michel style.
Agathe, lives currently in Paris (she developed a career away from that Midi where things are rather stuck). She has a comfortable social position, and is successful professionally as a politician. She visits the small town where she spend her childhood, to tackle some political issues, and problems related with the heritage left by her mother. At the beginning of history, she looks like some one who is well resolved psychologically. But throughout the film we realize that this is not true. Her passage through the small town triggers the hole story.
Mimouna, mother of Karim, comes from the Maghreb. She has been working for many years for the Villanova family, since when they lived in Algeria (?). In the past, she babysitted Florence and Agathe who have a strong relationship with her. She lives apart from her husband who abandoned the family in circumstances apparently nasty.