Somewhere in here there is the bones of a good drama/thriller but this isn't it. A potentially good and very topical story line is let down by a risible plot and wooden acting by the two principal characters.
If you were ever contemplating committing a crime I'd suggest you head to France as this series would have you believe the French cops are a bunch of bumbling inept clowns. Some of the scenes where suspects manage to evade capture defy belief.
An added problem is the two lead characters couldn't act to save their lives. As lead police officers they lack any credibility. Add in a public prosecutor who wouldn't look out of place on the set of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and who in the middle of a major pandemic is only interested in locating her runaway adopted daughter and you have a plot that stretches the viewer's patience and intelligence.
If you've watched the two earlier series you will probably want to catch this but you won't be missing much if you decide not to bother.