This film doles out an intense high school love story set in the 90s of Bengaluru. It narrates the life experiences of a teenage girl who initially thinks about the world around her to be just like what she saw in the movies, only to later come to terms with the actual world.
The film has a natural & realistic charm fused into it. It beautifully unravels the harassment, pressure of education, competition for marks, childhood traumas, teenage romance etc; through the eyes of a woman. The subtlety and the fineness in the fluid story of this film is simply outstanding. You can relive your school days through this film.
This film is especially for those people who like to savour each and every moment slowly, as and when it comes. The screenplay is magical and takes its own time to unwind the viewer's subconscious mind. The cinematography is flawless with each and every moment of the nostalgic 90s captured in detail. The background score and music is also gratifying, with perfect usage of silence at appropriate places.
The entire cast of the film deserves an applause for their heart touching and realistic performance. Prakash Belawadi's daughter Teju Belawadi has given a spectacular performance as the female protagonist. Her graceful emotions will steal your heart. Nischith Korodi has given an equally satisfying performance with his genuine display of emotions.
Overall, this film is a true gem and stands amongst some of the finest timeless love stories in Indian cinema. If you're a true art film connoisseur, then you shouldn't miss this!