The film Chocolate, directed by Shafi, employs a narrative style that juxtaposes the themes of college life with elements of comedy and emotion, resulting in a compelling and engaging cinematic experience. The musical direction by Alex Paul is noteworthy for its ability to evoke a range of emotions and capture the essence of the narrative.
The narrative unfolds the internal dynamics of a women's college, where a male student begins his studies in the mens quata of the institution, contrary to the wishes of both the students and their parents. From there, the film depicts the conflicts, comedies, romance, and ego between the protagonist and the main actress. There are numerous scenes that elicit laughter from the audience. The film's climax and twists are particularly well-executed. Overall, the film provides a continuous viewing experience and is highly recommended.
The casting is exemplary, with Prithviraj and Roma Asrani delivering compelling performances. Salim Kumar's presence is a highlight, infusing the comedic scenes with a unique brand of humor. Similarly, Jayasuriya's contributions are noteworthy.
Furthermore, the musical elements, including the background music and songs, are of an exemplary standard. The musical direction is to be commended, particularly to Alex Paul, the music director.