This anime is slow, the fight scenes are horrible and animated badly. I have no idea how an anime released in 2016 can be animated so badly.
The story is interesting as well as the idea of the elements. That's all there is to this anime, it's very boring to watch. Im amazed as always how anime like this can get multiple seasons. The 10 star ratings on here is absolute nonsense, this anime isn't a must see nor does it deserve more recognition. The 7.5 IMDB rating is insane to me.
Chinese anime are already annoying to listen to, their voice actors are horrible, the least they could have done is made the animation somewhat even close to what you expect from anime being released 2016 and onwards. There is literally only 2 Chinese anime that I have seen that are must watch and that's The Kings Avatar and Fog Hill of Five Elements. Full time magister in comparison to those 2 anime deserves even lower than the 5 star I'm giving it.