A Mexican horror movie that explores the dark side of motherhood and its impact on a new mother, Valeria, who is tormented by an entity that cannot be named. The film takes a unique approach to the body horror and haunted house genres and presents them in an artfully crafted vessel that brings the characters and their relationships to life. The film won two major awards at the Tribeca Film Festival last summer.
Director Michelle Garza Cervera has a strong grasp on millennial color palettes and each shot in the film is beautifully composed and lit. The score and sound design also stand out for their ability to spike cortisol levels and make the Spanish-language punk tracks in the film seem soothing by comparison.
The most engaging aspect of the film is the characterization of Val, a woman caught between what she wants, what she thinks she should want, and what society wants for her. Val is a rebel with an anti-authoritarian punk rock past, and the idea that she is now a "Mama" first and a person second clearly bothers her. She doesn't take naturally to anything maternal, and her family's teasing about the time she.