There are movies that are so bad that, after a short while, I just stop watching and move on. This one had Slater and Gooding who, given what little they had to work with, made it somewhat bearable for me although the script had Slater doing such stupid things that the whole thing was idiotic. They tried to make it somewhat humorous but they really should have gone all the way and made it a spoof of thrillers. Screenplay stunk. Direction was awful. Editing so so (although probably not given much to work with). Would never have completed watching it if Gooding and Slater weren't in it.
If you absolutely have nothing else to do, go ahead and waste some time. Otherwise, much better things to do.
I watched it in segments because I couldn't sit through it in one sitting. My wife asks me why I do it. I tell her: "to appreciate the good movies that much more" that I see.