Füge eine Handlung in deiner Sprache hinzu"Ryû ga gotoku: Kenzan!" is a side story within the Yakuza series, this time changing neon-lit Tokyo setting with a four hundred years older one: the city Kyoto of the year 1602, during the ... Alles lesen"Ryû ga gotoku: Kenzan!" is a side story within the Yakuza series, this time changing neon-lit Tokyo setting with a four hundred years older one: the city Kyoto of the year 1602, during the Edo period of the Japanese history. The player takes the role of the historical character ... Alles lesen"Ryû ga gotoku: Kenzan!" is a side story within the Yakuza series, this time changing neon-lit Tokyo setting with a four hundred years older one: the city Kyoto of the year 1602, during the Edo period of the Japanese history. The player takes the role of the historical character Miyamoto Musashi, a renowned swordsman who, after the battle of Sekigahara, came to Gion d... Alles lesen