This is one of those rare films which I believe every serious zombie enthusiast needs to see. Now, that is not to say that every zombie fan will necessarily like it. But what it offers is a unique look at life (for want of a better word) from the zombie's point-of-view. On that note, I found it to be original, artistic and very well thought out. For those reasons I certainly understand some of the positive comments from other reviewers. That said however, I also understand some of the negative comments too. Obviously being a low-budget production it suffers accordingly. None of the actors or actresses were known to me and other than Daisy Aitkens (as Colin's sister, "Linda") none of them had any dialogue worth mentioning anyway. Even so, I thought the lead actor, Alastair Kirton ("Colin") performed in an excellent manner all the same. Unfortunately, the camera work was quite often shaky, in some cases the lighting was bad and other than Colin there really wasn't much character development. Additionally, some of the scenes were extremely slow and dragged on way too long while others could have been cut with little (if any) noticeable effect on the final product. Along with that, some of the special effects (i.e. gore) should have either been improved upon or eliminated all together. In short, this was a zombie film that definitely needed to be made. And while I seriously doubt the production costs listed in IMDb (of $70) are true, I will say that if it had even one-tenth of the money allocated to "World War Z" it could have been one of the best zombie films ever made. Sadly, this was not the case and while I believe the director (Marc Price) has every reason to be proud of his efforts, I still have to factor in some of the negative variables I mentioned earlier in my overall rating. Having said that, although I believe this film has a definite place in the zombie legacy, I rate it as slightly below average.