Wow, where do I start? The central idea for the story is not a bad one and could've been something decent had it not been for the terribly written dialouge, the absolutely embarrassing acting and the all around derivative feel of the film. Like honestly, how many movies did this director have to rip off in order to shoot his film? It was all terribly familiar and ground that has been covered in other, better horror films. It was almost so bad it was good to be honest. I have busted out laughing like that in quite a while. Some of the lines these actors have to deliver are startlingly bad. Nobody talks like this and nobody would react like this. I also have to mention the soundtrack for the film. It was just awful and did not fit the film one bit, it made cheesy scenes even more cheesy and it ruined what could've been tense scenes as well. Just a trash movie all around.
0 fears out of 5.