I think everyone who watched this movie wasn't expecting anything good, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. The first one was garbage too, but at least it had some kind of story to drive it, this movie is basically as 2 hour music video with sex.... yes, that's all it is. The relationship between the two leads is as mindless and unrealistic as the first, and another man joins the scene, who is just as dull as the first.
Nothing happens in this film until roughly half way through, and if you even managed to endure the pain that is the awful dialogue, directing and acting, you then have to suffer a boring thriller-wannabe. It's a shame really, because with a good director and writer, you could have had a compelling story with good characters, but no...we get this. The main actors, (I can't even be bothered to look up their names) have little to no chemistry between them, and half of the time they are just standing there looking pretty.
I understand that 20-40 something men aren't this movies target audience, but at least make it bareable for us.
If you were to take out all the music and sex, you would have a 40 minute short film. Seriously, it's that bad. So many usless scenes that add nothing. The only good thing about this movie is its cinematography, which is surprislingly very good, which is the only thing stopping this from getting a 1.