Stumbling upon the 2021 horror movie "Flee the Light" from writer Jennifer Mancini and director Alexandra Senza, of course I sat down to watch it as I hadn't already seen it. And I have to admit that the movie's cover was initially interesting enough to make me stop and take notice.
Sure, I hadn't heard about the movie prior to watching it, not a single thing. So I had no idea what I was in for here, aside from what I read in the movie's synopsis. But alas, I opted to sit down and watch "Flee the Light" regardless.
Something did flee here alright, and it was my interest in the movie. Man, talk about a movie with a total lack of interesting storyline. It was impressive that writer Jennifer Mancini could manage to churn out 81 minutes of a movie that had nothing to tell.
Needless to say that my interest in the movie was quickly vaning, as nothing of any interest was presented on the screen as the movie trotted on and on in a very monotonous pacing. Yet, I managed to endure through the ordeal.
I wasn't familiar with the cast in the movie, but they literally had nothing to work with in terms of a proper script, interesting charaters or riveting dialogue.
My rating of "Flee the Light" lands on a very generous two out of ten stars, based mostly on the production value of the movie. If you enjoy a good horror movie, believe you me, you need to find it elsewhere.