First and foremost, if you like the basic plot line of the movie give it a shot. I personally do not give any credit to reviews of any movie as everyone has different tastes in what they like. Secondly, pay no attention to the conspiracy theorists who claim the movies rating were inflated (so to speak). The plot line to this movie is believable and played out fairly well. The movie has some points that could have been better, but that is true of most any movie you watch. Keep in mind this was an indie film going in and with that being said, tailor what you expect to that. Overall, the movie was decently portrayed, the cast was fairly well suited to the characters, and the plot itself was not so outlandish as to be completely unbelievable (which sadly happens with big budget mainstream movies these days). Give the movie a chance and base your opinion solely on what you think of it and not what others have said. It has been my experience that if a critic (or armchair critic in this case) didn't like a movie, it was probably pretty good.