An interesting, emotive topic, and one which will have conversations going on both sides.
A pretty good watch, for such a dramatic situation, this was quite a low key affair, I appreciate subtle, but it just needed a little more passion injected into it.
I enjoyed the way the story was told, you quite literally see Bryan Wood's journey from national, decorated hero, to possible war criminal, and the role of Phil Shiner, was he after the truth, or was he out to vilify brave soldiers such as Wood? Make your own minds up.
Very well made, the action sequences looked terrific, best of all though was the acting, three top notch performances, Toby Jones, Anthony Boyle and Alex Ferns.
An interesting choice for the BBC it's fair to say, but it's well made and absorbing, I must also say how refreshing to have a one off, ninety minute drama, as opposed to yet another six part series.
Subtle, but good, 7/10.