One of the worst made for anything movies... Unless it was made by a film student at a community college, thank goodness mini DV tapes are so inexpensive. So sad to see some respectable actors making a movie such as this. The location (SoCal) chosen to represent Connecticut, couldn't have been any worse. Sun Valley, Angeles Crest Highway, representing the East Coast, really?? Palm trees (not to mention chaparral, and evergreen tree lined streets, replacing snow, just doesn't cut it, on any level. The voice over acting or should I really blame the sound editors... In the same room, one actor's voice sounding like its in a can, while the other is respectable. How about wardrobe and props. The thieves were more than dusted with flour, however they were amazingly flour free. The house which was multiple level, I'll give the viewer that, would have the actors on one level... then on another level without taking the stairs. I can't go on... I'll let the viewer get a kick out of ripping this move apart!!