It's been the longest since I wrote any reviews on anything live-action. However, this is my first in a long while, so I'm finally writing about one again. I first discovered this show one Saturday, when the channel TBD aired a marathon of this anthology series. I didn't see all the episodes aired from the very first season, but the short films/episodes I did see I found enjoyable enough. Other shorts/episodes I would catch up on seeing at later times. There are other shorts anthology shows I enjoy just the same, which are Short Cuts (one of those local shows), Film School Shorts, and Filmmaker. These are all among my favorite shows and what I consider to be among the best T. V. shows of all time. But what separates this from the others is that whereas the somewhat related programs have a variety of genres, sub-genres, and maybe even mixing several of those, this focuses heavily on sci-fi as the main, particular, specialized genre. This is, once again, another one that's a winner in my book. Every one of these shorts/episodes over the course of the past two seasons I haven't found to be disappointing at all. One of the most engaging and exciting I've ever seen.
This has turned out to be such a promising series. It's purpose is to showcase material by various, sci-fi, independent filmmakers while promoting other up-and-coming talent in the industry, like the actors. Although there is a variety of stories to tell in these, it's hard for me to say which of them are the best or even what my most favorites are. Because this is a fine paragon of small, indie cinema possibly being better than what the bigger, more commercial cinema is foisted upon the mainstream, which makes the former more interesting or fascinating too. Everything about this, from the writing to the acting to the characters is so well done. Mainly they're live-action, but some cartoons have been featured additionally. I've got to say, the people behind this show definitely have got a knack for finding well-made, well-done sci-fi and putting it all together. It was a surprise to find out earlier this year that the program no longer airs on TBD only, but also on Comet. Everyone involved in making these did a superb job in entertaining. I don't know about anyone else for show, but I know I was entertained.
Since this solely provides the best in sci-fi, it's mission has been accomplished. For anyone who may not have seen any of this, I say give it a go. I haven't seen every bigger film (whether short or feature-length) ever made, especially in recent years, but I've read about some of them in comments and reviews. And from those, that's evidence right there that anyone looking for better things to watch, this gives a great alternative. I hope there will be a third season to come, as there is always something new to look forward to from the film industry and talent yet to be found. There are a bevy of sci-fi shorts in this series from which to choose, so there is, at least, one related short film to choose from as a favorite. This may not be one of those that gets the most attention, but it surely deserves more than it received, if that's truly the case. Even though I don't think I can praise this enough because of that, I'll just stop here anyway. I love it so much. Recommended.