In a world where magic is kept secret, Daniel Spellbound is a teenage boy who works as a Spell Tracker, as he is hired to track down magical items for clients, all to make money to pay off a debt to the Pie Maker, a wicked witch who is the most wicked one of New York City. On his way to find a Fugu Rose, a magical ingredient so rare, it will completely pay off his debt while befriending Hoagie, a talking pig whose snout can sniff out anything magical, he is arrested by the Bureau of Magical Enforcement, and the Primus, knowing his father, hires him to help them, promising to clear his debt with the Pie Maker and even forgive his crimes, especially when the Viktor Albright, a.k.a. The Dark Mage, and his gang of alchemist are on the hunt for magical artifacts, and are after the Griffon's Egg.
For a series, this is neat. I recommend this for older kids due to violence, scary imagry, and even some crude humor, but the series has some good storytelling, great voice acting, and some good animation.