Thought it was gonna be a B grade Dusk Til Dawn. Right from the start it was much, much cheaper than expected, but there was still some scope for a future cult classic. I was kind of rolling with the home movie aesthetic. Then Michael Madsen turns up and I couldn't figure out what the heck he was doing in such an over-used and underwtitten cameo. After that, the pace grinds to a halt and it seems to turn into a Christian morality play. There is a lot of profanity, skin, and video game CGI to lure in the casual viewer, but the second half of the movie is basically exposition. What would normally be thought of as the third act is just sort of an aferward with more exposition. Lots and LOTS of dialog. Then there is a ton more dialog. I mean, I applaud the makers for taking this on and seeing it through. It's no joke to put together a feature length video. Ya hate to come down on something that was clearly someone's passion project because it's not like some of the flash streaming-service-priduced films that clearly cut corners despite having a budget. Everyone seems to have given it their best with what they had to work with. However, ultimately because the film takes itself so seriously and is utterly lacking in humor, intended or accidental, I doubt this one will become a hidden classic of the future. Nice try.