Even though K-On! is supposed to be about the light music club in a Japanese high school, 80% of the show is the characters drinking tea, eating cake or simply having fun with the music part gracing us rarely. There is no plot and is mostly about cute girls doing cute things. But then, why does it work so well?
Its the characters and the completely relaxed atmosphere. Even if the characters live in their exaggerated anime land tropes, they feel real and honest. There is nothing to worry about while watching this show, watching these characters have fun, be carefree and work hard when they need to makes us have a wonderful time. This show is the equivalent of being served hot chocolate after being invited to a warm cozy home in winter or cool ice cream in summer. Its the ultimate anti- depressant.
There is great sense of escapist nostalgia while watching this show, its self aware with the fact with characters who never get fat while eating so many sweets, or having successful shows even though they barely practice and goof up something near the last moments. One would wish if real life were like K-On!
When the series ends you are left with a sense of melancholia that is bittersweet on seeing the characters graduate and move on with their fun phase of school life. But you know they will never stop having fun till the end.