Living in a dystopian future society, a group of executives desperate to make their once-hit gladiatorial combat show by dragging a new round of contestants to participate, but when they realize that one of the survivors is an innocent ex-marine must use his combat skills to survive.
Overall, there's a lot to like with this one. The futuristic setup and general storyline about the show being able to launch the type of show where the type of competitive action that comes about with the scenario in place offering death row inmates a chance at freedom in exchange for participating in the brutal game show. This isn't original or creative in the slightest but still provides enough of a logical excuse for the existence of the property and why the group is brought together as they are as there's just enough backstory on the contestants and what they're imprisoned for to make their race across the show worthwhile. When that occurs, the action here is quite fun and generates plenty of likable factors. While still holding onto scores of traditional low-budget origin factors including flimsy costumes and cheap gore, the brutality on display makes them far more palatable with a slew of brutal bloodshed involved in the graphic encounters that take place with the different contestants taking on the ever-more intense gang of thugs that are being used to fight them to the death. The cramped location set for everything and the impressive use of military tactics brought about here make things exciting and enjoyable, making for a fun enough time here.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, and Nudity.