I dunno why people here have been giving this such bad reviews. I understand this movie is the typical bollywood movie, but that does NOT make it a bad movie. I know many Aamir Khan fans who went to see the film were probably disappointed as it is not like his usual films...
I have always enjoyed his work and I think this movie has a LOT more to offer than Aamir Khan. The others actors were INCREDIBLE, and it's amazing that they are just ordinary people. Maybe that's why there were, because in a lot of ways, Mumbai Diaries is about every day life.
Kriti (the girl who plays Yasmin) was amazing. I laughed when she laughed and cried when she didn't. I LOVE the way her part was incorporated in the movie and that credit goes to Kiran Rao. Which brings me to my next point. I think Kiran did a wonderful job with this film, and I actually don't see how people could criticize her just because her husband is Aamir.
The story lines were written beautifully. Each story had depth and meaning. Every one meant something to one another, but there was no place for them in the each others lives.
Munna's character is so endearing and sweet, he makes you fall in love with him from the first scene. And Shai's performance leaves you wanting more. She plays the international girl perfectly, and being a bit of an 'outsider' myself, I know exactly how it is going back to your roots. Shai had it down pat. Yasmin, again, I think for me..was the best character. I loved her from the very beginning. She was innocent and happy and almost child-like, you couldn't help but love her...Aamir was like always, brilliant. The guy's talented as the world knows.
This film is not you average Indian movie, but it is a beautiful piece of work and truly captures your attention. Not once was I bored or wondered when the movie would end. Yes it had it had some flaws, main one being the cursing...for some reason that made me laugh. I felt it didn't really go with the situation, and was a bit forced. Other than that, kudos to the whole team for creating this movie.
Numbers and 'hit'/'flop' status does NOT make a movie a 'good' movie...every one is different and has their own opinions. For me, this was a great movie. :) Def one of my favourites.