It was really great and weird to see Duran Duran on a new episode of Behind the Music. I always liked them, they weren't my favorite band in the 80's and 90's, but I did luv a lot of their songs, but especially loved them in the 90's when they made The Wedding Album, especially their hit Ordinary World, which is still their most Favorite song for me. And I also loved Power Station back in the day.
It was nice to see them all sit down, and really speak totally BLUNTLY and Brutally Honestly about all the ups and downs, and rifts between members, and bad habits, and coping with crazy fans (or in 1 case, not being able to cope with crazy fans). They are a group of 5 very talented men, who will leave a lot of great music for the new generations to enjoy and be inspired by as well.
Don't listen to that other reviewer who obviously has no appreciation or nostalgia for what all these great old and new musicians go thru and how they literally leave pieces of themselves in their music for the rest of us. And I also loved that Duran Duran members made a collective and create with so many new singers and producers who bring their own style and flavor and making some beautiful music with this 80's Iconic band.
If you love learning about musicians, their roads thru life, the good, the bad and the ugly splayed out on the table, so you can maybe understand them and realize that fame is not always what it's cracked up to be, then watch this show. :D.