Little Deaths was my cup of tea. I liked it and noticed the part called Bitch directed by Simon Rumley, the director behind Red White and Blue. From shot one you know what kind of flick this turns out. An uneasy film with disturbing moments coming from all sides.
We start to know Erica, a girl who f*cks around, she just doesn't care who it is but be advised, she only do it ones , no questions, no love. And the first minutes you see Erica (Amanda Fuller) having sex all the time. Old people, 3 in one time, it just doesn't care. But she comes across an ex-Iraq veteran called Nate (Noah Taylor) who has an interest in her. But he's the only one she doesn't want to have sex with. Slowly we start to know both and some guys Erica had sex with. From there on you can't see what is coming and it moves slowly in some kind of arty way. But it is the excellent performances that kept you attracted to the screen. Just when you think were is this going things go wrong with one guy she had sex with. HIV enters in his life. Bad thing, and this flick turns into a disturbed part.
Clearly not for everybody. It do have some sickening parts. But the way it was shot and the use of piano as score gives it that arty feeling. i should classify it under a revenge flick but not with a horror overtone.
Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 2,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3,5/5 Comedy 0/5