I don't know how anyone who wasn't paid off had anything honestly positive to say about this movie. Supposedly there's a Forest fire started from a satellite that was shot down for what reason, I don't know. You never see a fire, only smoke that looks like a barbecue nearby. Using the old stand by over used plot, the crashed satellite unleashes a germ turning people into you guessed it, flesh eating zombies!
Before you even consider wasting your time, take my word and put on anything else, even a plain old light bulb or perhaps find quality entertainment looking up at the ceiling and counting specks. I've found the back of my eyelids would have been a better alternative.
Thanks to the success of "The Walking Dead" a slew of cheap rip-off zombie movies are coming out quicker than zombies out of Atlanta's woods. This is about at the very low end of that bunch. It's not exciting, scary or interesting, only annoying because it lures you in thinking maybe, just maybe you might see something different. Well, you don't.