When I purchased my ticket to see this movie my expectations were low. My first thoughts were that it was going to be nothing more than a mildly funny film with a few scares. There aren't many horror comedies that I actually love. It's just not my favorite type of horror film. I like my horror just plain scary and my comedies funny but I don't like mixing the genres. This movie changes everything for me. It is the perfect blend of hilarious comedy, crazy over the top characters and disturbing disgusting horrors. The writing is superb and the main actor that played Miguel is masterful. This movie had me laughing so hard that I was in tears. That's not to say it's not horrifying too. It definitely left my stomach turning in several scenes. One of the best things about the movie is that if you have ever seriously collected anything; baseball cards, dvds, books, toys or even stamps, anything at all, you will totally identify with Miguel's odd obsession. You will find yourself secretly wondering how far would I go to complete my collection? Hopefully sanity would step in and stop most of us from going too far, but after watching this movie who knows what some people are capable of!! I completely recommend going to your nearest horror film festival just to see this gem.