"Chantilly Bridge," the sequel to "Chantilly Lace" (1993), is the
story of a group of friends facing late middle age and older, the
problems and issues that happen along the way. The all-woman
cast shows a friendship that has endured for all of their lives and
the movie depicts this and how they are always there for each
other - good and bad. "Chantilly Bridge" shows the love they
have for one another. The women gather to pay tribute to Ruth
and to help her daughter, Shelley (Patricia Richardson) pack up
her mom's belongings and sell her home. The issues that are
brought up in this movie are poignant and have real world
substance. These lifelong friends reminisce, discuss life altering
events in their lives and just being themselves as only old friends
can do. It is a moving and thought-provoking movie.
Director Linda Yellen shot the film in a small town in Northern
New York during winter. The movie features a lot of
improvisation, and the all-women cast worked together to develop
their characters and their concerns. This way of filming the movie
gives it authenticity and sincerity.
This is a movie I would strongly recommend seeing.