First off the only reason it didn't get a 1 star was cause it does the fan service well but other than that its just ugh awful.
Basically the MC like all cowardly prude current MC's is supposed to be a makeshift basement dwelling loser stand in otaku so there of course its designed to be the absolute worst of the worst in humanity. Right off the bat its clear as day the mc is a cowardly pathetic ball-less loser forever virgin but this one takes it to like a freakishly all new high level. Its sickening beyond belief... usually you have an mc that has at least fighting skills or bravery but this mc doesn't even have that him turning into a girl is actually fitting since it matches what he is on the inside to his core. Every action he makes is absolutely absurd and radiates the whole i'm a chick vibe even when in his male form. Of course even in his male form he lacks and form of balls what so ever. Then he is attracted to his next door neighbor but of course of much of a coward to do anything in like forever. Its sad AF cause even when he finds out she is the enemy he stil fawns over here despite her trying to murder all his friends like a desperate basement dweller loser.
Then you have several overly attractive chicks that are all powerful chasing after him for no reason in fact the opposite. The MC of course being an idiotic delusional otaku and only wants the chick who doesn't want him therefore every single intimate situation he turns in mega coward man and will half kill himself just to get away from something that any non-loser male of the reward would dive head first into and its not funny at all it just comes across as really really sad and any actual man watching it will just shake their head in shame and disgust. The entire show is this rinse repeat and this again and instead of the mc growing he actually gets worst all the way to the end of the OVAs.