The description of this movie didn't sound quite that interesting to me, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. It turned out to be a fairly decent film. For me once the movie was done, it evoked the sensation one gets when holding one mirror up to another and trying to see how many layers into the reflection you can manage to see - a reflection inside a reflection inside a reflection (etc... etc... etc... ad nauseum). Not in a visual sense, but an abstract one - You have the real director of the film making a movie about a director of a film who is inspired to complete the production of a film where the "real" director of that "real" (movie-world) film was making a movie about a director who used movie-making as a pretext for trapping and killing his victims.
It sounds much more complex in writing than it actually carries across on film. All of the actors in this did a very decent job - one of the hardest things for an actor to do afaic is to play the role of a character that is written to be a bad actor. The better the real actor is at it, the more truly "bad" their role would be acted. All of the actors here were fairly well up- to-snuff on their skills and seemed to manage the layered complexity of the plot quite well.
One of my favorite aspects of this is the way in which they set up the ending so early on. It's not something you realize until after you've seen the ending, but once you have, you realize that a mere one or two lines of dialog spoken in the early half of the film pretty much sealed the fate of some of the more tragic characters. I can't give details without spoilering it, but I can say it was set up quite nicely and very subtly - sometimes a director virtually hits you over the head with a brick to get you to notice "foreshadowing", but this one didn't do that.
There were quite a few f-bombs for those who mind, not any real noticeable nudity and the gore factor was really rather low. But it was an engaging story and an easy watch. It's a fairly decent addition to the growing number of pseudo "reality film" mockumentaries, particularly if you like psychological puzzlers.