This series is the best that television has ever offered. I watch each part many times to glean as much as I can from it. It is a wonder that a production caters to intellect rather than pandering to the moronic that much television orients its programming at. Morgan Freeman I note is the producer and if that is so, Thank you Mr. Freeman! You are not only a great artist but also a man who takes his responsibility wisely and tries to educate his audience. For those that have missed the Parallels Universe special chapter of this second year, it will make you rethink your entire existence. The approach of this series is to actually interview and then allow the scientists who are top of their field to discuss their research and some of it is boggling in its elegance and mind opening explorations of physics and other scientific implications that are sometimes belied by the chapter titles. There are disagreements between one school of science and scientists and others as after all science is evolving and new evidence changes the implications. Some of the experiments are amazingly simple in principle though surely not easy to actually make them work at the high degree of accuracy required but I would say that a person with a modicum of intellect can understand what is studied and can see why the study or conceptions are so significant. It is a groundbreaking series and anyone with an open mind will be changed forever from the seeing of it as the world is not the way we have imagined it after all..It is even more interesting and thus, so are we.