This movie was so down-to-earth, full of comedy, and had plenty of messages to spread. We were in love with it
-The humor was so unexpected! It was natural and no-nonsense; the dialogues were already comic that the actors didn't have much to do than just deliver them. There was a combination of dry humor, sarcasm, and deception.
-Naslen K Gafoor rocks! The switch to Hindi and over-politeness were too hilariousđ
Althaf Salim was extravagantly funny, and the craziest part was that he always kept a serious face
-Makal's mission was accomplished: Fluent directing, Pure Comedy, Organic Acting, Relevant topic, Engaging Cinematography, Sizzling Climax, Intriguing Storytelling, Good Message for parents and youth
-The film gave concrete illustrations of the interaction between parents and teenagers, and taught valuable lessons. As a parent, you'll learn to gently enter your children's world to get to know and relate to them, and vice-versa for children
-Unless we missed it, but we didn't quite get how Nandan went from being a mechanic to selling spices.
Why was there even the need for him to be a mechanic in the script? It was a little too sudden the way he built his business.