Rooted firmly in what made WandaVision an enticing watch, Agatha All Along delivers a familiar viewing experience, but goes about it in its own way.
The premise is deceptively simple--a down-and-out villain on a quest to restore her power. As the story unfurls, we see it's about much more than that, and even Agatha's seemingly straightforward motivations are reframed by the end. The story takes its time with the plot twists, but once it starts, it doesn't let up until the very last minute of episode 9.
Led by a career-defining performance from Kathryn Hahn, the cast works well separately and best as a group. Locke and Plaza are highly engaging as the mysteries of their respective characters centre and recontextualize the narrative.
This is a thrifty production by Marvel standards, as you can sometimes--not very often--tell. The broom riding sequence is janky, and the final confrontation has to mostly take place offscreen. This has an upside as it more or less forces the narrative to zero in on the emotional aspect and make us empathize with these characters. The finale in particular surprised me with how poignant and small-scale they allowed it to be, respecting the core of the show as it offers a solemn and mature look into Agatha's world not often associated with the superhero genre.
Overall, this has been a quality MCU offering that shows not all superhero tales need expensive fireworks to shine.