Its obviously a low budget short but that doesn't matter so anyone who comments on the quality like camera, lens, lighting etc., go somewhere else. It's just some young film makers with a camera and a passion. The idea is still solid and it genuinely made me tear up. Its quick and too the point which is great for any short film. The couple of effects used are good enough to sell the intended effect and Jason's acting is solid. There isn't much to the villain role other than just being someone you hate because of what he did so I'd be curious if there's more nuance and a "why" that would be answered in a feature but I understand its hard to get elaborate in a short like this. As of now he's just there to be the bad guy. It would have been nice to get a better and more clean fine-tuned fight scene with how short it is. If Rewind isn't a martial artist or a good fighter at the time, it would want to see him just be super brutal, especially considering what the villain did. But overall good concept that could easily be cleaned up and elaborated on.